JULY 2009    PAGE  4                         |previous page | index | next page|

Wednesday, July 15

Nearly every day at Navigators, we saw these big horn sheep:


















Friday, July 17

Friday is our day off from Sowers.  Last week, we went with Ken and Barbie Rogers to Pikes Peak; this week we drove to Cripple Creek, the gold mine/gambling town we had so much fun at last year.  This is the view from the new Visitor Center and Museum on top of the hill:










Some pictures in the museum:


We stayed in town to see a musical, Godspell, which is based on Matthew's gospel. Great performance.


The town has a lot of old houses from the gold mining era, and most of them have been rebuilt.  We spent some time touring the Carr Hotel, which was once the town school building, but has been completely renovated by a California businessman.






We went back to the Visitor Center and Museum on the way back, and took in the second floor, which has a life-sized Stegosaurus dinosaur.

This is what they believe the head looked like:









Saturday, July 25

Haven't been taking pictures this week.  We left Colorado Springs this morning, and headed up towards Rocky Mountain National Park.  Took Hwy 72 and 7 west of Denver to get there.  Stopped in the town of Nederland for lunch, and were treated to a five vehicle parade!




How's that for a motorhome?





Spent the afternoon and evening camping at Camp Dick.  Took a great walk and saw many things.

















Sunday, July 26


Further down the road this morning, we passed by a monastery with this church on the rocks.







Got  to Rocky Mountain National Park about noon, and signed up for two days' stay at Glacier Basin Campground.  It was cloudy and threatening to rain, but we took our backpacks and ponchos, and decided to hike to Sprague Lake, only about one mile away.

We soon found out that there is a bark beetle epidemic here, and many trees had to be cut to prevent them for falling on campers.

Campground looks like a war zone.





But...the hike to Sprague Lake was worth it.

There's Patty in her poncho.  We both looked like Big Bird!






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