SOLTESWEB.NET  2003                JUNE        PAGE 1

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June - Habitat for Humanity - Stanford Kentucky

This is the first Habitat work project for this year, and we chose a project by Care-a-vaners - only volunteers that come by RV. Project here was to break up into three teams to build three home in two weeks.  By two weeks is meant the keys will be given to the new owners on the afternoon of the second Friday.

June 02 - Assembly




June 02 - Day 1 - Monday 

We start with a floor and foundation. Goal today - get the exterior walls up.




Not bad for the first day's work....


Jun 03 - Day 2 - Tuesday

 Goal today - wrap exterior and build interior walls




June 04 - Day 3 - Wednesday

Goal: roof, start electrical inside and plumbing, start porches.  Boom truck arrives.



Man, it was muddy!






June  5 - Day 4 - Thursday

Goal: finish electric, plumbing, start to cover roof.  This is the couple who will get House 2, which we are building.  They have two small children


Plenty of time for breaks..











June 6 - Day 5- Friday

Insulation, finish all interior ready for sheet rock coming in on the weekend, paint all interior woodwork strips




June 06 - Day 5  - Friday Night

Relax - dinner with prizes and show








Now, what's so funny?


June 7 and 8 - Saturday and Sunday

Sheet rock crew came in on the weekend to completely finish interior cover



Jun 09 - Day 6 - Monday

goal: work on completing  exterior




Time to relax after a good day's work.  Typical RV scene seen everywhere in Sower campgrounds as well


Jun 10 - Day 7 - Tuesday




Teams 1, 2 and 3.  We were in Team 2.


June 11 - Day 8 - Wednesday


June 12 - Day 9 - Thursday

Lots of interior work, painting, wall plates, wood trim, etc.  No pics. Finishing exteriors.



Friday - June 13 - Day 10


Last day. Final words for afternoon.  Just saw the Tyson sign in the middle picture.  Tyson gave the group 1200 lbs of chicken for the two week project. and it was ooked in many ways by the kitchen crew made up of the Kentucky Disaster relief organization volunteering their services as an exercise for their members..

Floors and done, kitchen cabinets up


porches complete


Phew! We made it....


Last minute stuff

The ladies did most of the paintiing.


Day 10 - Final assembly - Prayer, Dedication, and Giving new Owners the keys to their houses





Crew of House 2 and House 3.  Can't find pic of crew of House 1


And that's what a 2-week Habitat project looks like.

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